The Political Inquiry
The Political Inquiry Podcast
TPI Podcast #5: The Unpredictable 2024

TPI Podcast #5: The Unpredictable 2024

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In this podcast, Tom, Kit and Dylan discuss the unpredictable nature of politics as we head into a political year dominated by elections. The conversation takes a broad sweep, exploring technological changes and ‘Anglosphere’ idea-sharing that could dramatically shift how electoral politics works in 2024, before looking at the two major elections in the UK / US and the possible electoral and geopolitical outcomes.

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Specific topics covered:

— What impact will AI Synthetic polling have on the electoral, governing and party system?
— How is cross-pollination of ‘Anglosphere’ democracies influencing our politics, particularly the 2024 elections?
— How likely is it that Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination, and then the presidency?
— What are the implications for the UK PM and the country’s security / foreign policy after a possible Trump victory?
— Will a Trump victory make the world generally more unpredictable?
— How will the big geopolitical forces / divisions / conflicts change in reaction to a Washington switch up?

Further Reading:

Dominic Cummings on AI Synthetic polling and Biden Vs Trump electoral models.

See gold-standard aggregator 538 for the latest horse-race polling on the Republican Primary

The Times on Australian influences from advisor David Nelson and Politico on Australian influences from strategy teams

The Bloomberg summary of a 2024 Trump victory, and the Wall St Journal’s video of Trump claiming he could end the Ukrainian war in ‘24hrs’

The Political Inquiry
The Political Inquiry Podcast
New voices on politics asking why